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Nano technology means and what are there uses : The next big thing in tech?



Nanotechnology is an emerging technology that has the potential to change the world we live in. Unlike most emerging technologies, it might not be something we will see on the news every day or even see at all in our lifetimes, but when it does become big, its impact will be huge! Let’s take a look at what this technology is and how it will change the world of tech and business as we know it!

Nanotechnology as a concept

As its name suggests, nanotechnology is not limited to very small things. Like any form of technology, it is the study and application of tools that can manipulate matter on an atomic or molecular scale. Commonly defined as the exploitation of natural phenomena at a scale below 1 nanometer by Stuart A. Rice Jr., it uses a variety of techniques that scientists have been able to work out. One key difference between molecular nanotechnology and other forms of advanced materials science is the latter’s need for high-cost large-scale facilities. This new discipline largely relies on compact tools like microscopes and lasers. The applications include biomedical engineering, medical diagnostics, electronics design and manufacture, semiconductor processing, and even fundamental physics research. For example in electronics design and manufacture, this technique is being used for the production of novel transistors with ever decreasing size of components being used. These miniature transistors are being implemented into computers which can be used in clothing or even embedded into our bodies as part of biosensors to detect chemicals in our bloodstream etc. Nanotechnology also has various applications outside the world of electronics such as producing solar cells from silicon nanoparticles.

Nanotechnology explained

Nanotechnology is the science of building materials and devices from individual atoms or molecules. It may even have a positive impact on our environment. Nans are less than 100 nanometers wide and are typically about 1/1000th the size of human hair. Nanotechnology is about arranging atoms to be so small that you can see them only with electron microscopes, but still have effects on things we can see too. So with nanotech, you can watch the water flow across the glass as well as atoms moving within liquids with much higher precision than ever before because the microscope uses electrons to magnify images. Nano-devices use electronics rather than software for their logic circuitry, which means they could be faster and consume less power. Engineers hope to make transistors at the nanoscale so they can cram more onto a chip without increasing power consumption. Another way nanotechnology could help with sustainability is by producing solar cells made from carbon instead of silicon, which will cut down on the energy needed to manufacture solar panels. These developments seem promising for those who believe that both innovation and environmentalism go hand-in-hand

How exactly does nanotech work

Nano-size, meaning 10-9 meters, refers to nanoscale phenomena, typically the size and properties of individual atoms or molecules. Recently, scientists have created transistors using single atoms that are only one atom wide. These tiny parts can make for more powerful devices and circuits with greater efficiency, reducing power consumption by up to 45%. For example, with these smaller transistors instead of adding a cell to a battery every year because it loses its charge over time, you could lengthen the life of the battery while still retaining its charge by five years. Or one company plans on developing a kind of contact lens that has an embedded camera. This camera would allow wearers to shoot high-quality video without needing something like Google Glass or other bulky equipment! One downside is the cost associated with manufacturing this type of small device so consumers may not be able to afford them right away. However, if they work as well as expected then they will quickly become worth the money!

Applications of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology can be applied to a wide range of fields and is particularly prevalent in the medical field. Recent innovations include medications that target specific cells and different types of sensors that can detect drugs or disease-causing bacteria with greater sensitivity. Other benefits of nanotechnology include improvements to renewable energy production, the ability to clean water more efficiently, and breakthroughs in semiconductor manufacturing. 
While these benefits are far-reaching and wide-ranging, there are some downsides as well; nanotechnology research is not without controversy and while it has been estimated that it may create millions of jobs globally over the coming years, some experts have questioned whether new developments will also destroy significant numbers of jobs currently done by humans across various industries.

Industry Impact

Before we dive into what Nanotechnology is, it is important to know that the word nano is used with a different meaning than it has when referring to software updates. Nano refers to the measurement of one billionth or 10 raised to the power of -9. So when we are discussing nanotechnology, we are generally talking about things measured on an atomic or molecular scale. 
This means that rather than starting with larger objects like nuts and bolts to create more complex devices such as a computer, people can make use of tiny atoms and molecules using nanotechnology. Since these particles are so small they can be manipulated much more easily and manufactured with extreme precision, which also makes them easier to understand and control.

Investors & Businesses working with nanotechnology today

A global organization called Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that nano research and development are driving at least half of all global research spending with the intent to encourage businesses to expand their use of nanotechnology. Microsoft Corporation is one example of a business that has incorporated nanotechnology into their products, specifically they utilize it to enable smaller storage devices. These ever-shrinking storage devices are being used as components inside tablets, smartphones, laptops, desktop computers, etc. At present, many developers believe we will reach a point where we need to completely rethink how we store data. A possible solution would be having computers with embedded intelligence similar to the way brains are structured.

Future uses for nanotechnology

Researchers are currently working on adding nanomachines to a person's body to perform tasks that would be impossible without them. Examples of the uses of this technology include the usage of nanotechnology to repair damaged organs, build living cells and even get rid of cancerous cells. Scientists are researching ways that they can help replace lost blood by injecting it into patients with the use of these nanomachines. Some scientists also hypothesize that these nanomachines could potentially have an impact on the way we carry out surgeries, which is why it is so important for there to be substantial funding from investors in order to explore these concepts.


There is no limit to what nano-scale devices can do for us, but now the question remains; how far will we push these inventions? There are serious dangers that come with some of these new technologies, and it's imperative that our society understands these risks before moving any further forward. Ultimately, if we want these nano-scale devices to really change the world, as they may very well be able to do, there will need to be a whole lot more research put into them.