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Technology management in business: What are they and what are their uses?



What is technology? What’s the difference between technology and management information systems? The definitions of these terms, while they may vary slightly by source, are relatively simple and easy to understand. Technology is, simply put, any combination of devices that use electricity or other sources of energy to operate. Management information systems, commonly referred to as MIS or MIS, are systems used by businesses (large and small) to store and retrieve data about customers, employees, inventory, and other business-related items in order to better assist in the day-to-day running of the company.

The World of Management Information Systems

As a business owner, you likely rely on tech to run your company. Management information systems, or MIS, are software tools designed to help with tasks such as tracking inventory levels or analyzing sales trends. The term information technology refers to any device that transfers data from one place to another. Some examples of tech include computers, smartphones, and even printers. Every day, tech is becoming more sophisticated. For example, wearable devices like Fitbits allow people to track their fitness goals by monitoring heart rate, sleep quality, and the number of steps taken each day. Tech can also be used for medical purposes; for example, surgeons have been using robots in some surgical procedures for years now because it allows them to perform surgery more accurately than ever before. With this being said, tech is an integral part of our lives today. It's not only changing how we work, but how we live. Take the internet for instance- many people use social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter to keep up with friends and family, while others use these same platforms to find jobs. Furthermore, apps like Snapchat or Instagram offer us different ways of communicating- whether it's through photos or videos- which means face-to-face communication isn't always necessary anymore. But not all technology is beneficial; there are times when abuse occurs such as cyberbullying, identity theft, and cyberstalking among other things.

The Role of Management Information Systems

While there is no shortage of definitions for MIS or management information systems, the definition given by Azzam (2016) is fairly common in the industry. Management Information Systems provides managers with access to an organization's operations data collected through many different sources (sensors, human beings). MIS helps organizations understand their business performance in relation to predetermined goals. 

This gives a clear description of the purpose of MIS: To provide managers with real-time access to operational data that will enable them to make well-informed decisions about day-to-day operations. Furthermore, the use of MIS helps track progress toward organizational goals. There are five main functions or tasks related to MIS: 1) Data capture; 2) Data storage; 3) Data transformation; 4) Data analysis; 5) Decision support. An MIS system should allow users to perform these tasks quickly and accurately, providing effective decision support for managerial activities.

The Role of Technology in Management Information Systems: Like any other technology, the implementation of a management information system requires investments in hardware and software tools as well as time spent learning how to use it properly - which can take up quite a bit of valuable time if done incorrectly! In addition, research has shown that implementing an MIS actually has little effect on productivity gains unless companies are able to keep the costs low and fully utilize all the features. It is also important to note that MIS may not be appropriate for all organizations, depending on size and complexity.

Finally, while adoption rates have increased over recent years, some argue that this may not be due entirely to their usefulness but rather because of convenience factors such as improved accessibility via mobile devices like tablets or smartphones. In short, management information systems continue to be necessary tools for businesses worldwide.

Use of  Management Information Systems in Businesses 

Businesses use management information systems (MIS) to gain insights into what's happening inside the company, in order to make better decisions. There are various MIS available to businesses, but no single tool can do everything a business might need. The combination of all these tools is often called an enterprise system, which helps companies get work done more efficiently. One way that MIS gives insight into what's happening in the company is by tracking inventory on behalf of suppliers. Say your printer needs a part that's not stocked at your location and you need it right away so your machine doesn't have downtime—a manager would set up an order with the supplier who has the item and then tracks that order while it's being fulfilled. Tracking orders allows managers to find out if there are delays or other issues with the process. An enterprise system combines many different types of MIS together in one place, making them easier for managers to keep track of and providing insights about how things are going within the company. Enterprise systems help businesses improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. One example of this is when they're used to manage financial data such as budgets and revenue projections. Another way MIS provides insights into what's happening in the company is through monitoring transactions between customers and employees. If a customer tries to return something that was never purchased from your store, a manager could review records from point-of-sale machines to see if anyone tried to sell something under false pretenses during that time period

MIS implementation types

MIS implements have been around for decades, but the first use of MIS was the advent of punch cards in 1887. Here's a breakdown of the two types of MIS implementation methods today:

1: hardware and software - this is when MIS relies on hardware or software to store all data necessary to run or manage an organization. This type is useful for organizations that require high levels of computer speed, such as those in the financial industry.

-information system - this form relies on technology that facilitates communication between individuals through computers or digital networking equipment, such as phone lines, fax machines, videoconferencing devices, etc. It can also be used to refer to other ways of storing and accessing data besides hard drives, like cloud computing. MIS can also be made up of a combination of these technologies.

2: networked database - this form makes it possible for one centralized database with one interface and security level to control multiple databases at different locations throughout an organization, even if the networks are different (i.e., LANs versus WANs). These databases could come from different operating systems and languages so long as they connect through networked database software. Networked databases are helpful for large companies because it allows them to access company-wide databases from any location in the world without having to invest heavily into every single one of their locations' infrastructures.

The development and maintenance of software

Information systems exist to facilitate communication between the company's employees, its supply chain (usually suppliers or distributors), and the company's clients. Management information technology refers to all hardware, software, databases, and networks that collect, process and transmit data on behalf of an organization. it can be categorized into two main types- technical IT and managerial IT. Technical IT includes technologies that operate in computer labs or networking hubs which is a fancy way of saying computers. Managerial IT encompasses all software products which support business functions like finance or accounting. However, if we were talking about programs developed specifically for improving production or productivity (as opposed to merely supporting it) those would be considered general-purpose technologies rather than managerial ones. With any kind of system, you want to make sure you have the proper balance so you don't overdo it with too many applications that end up being nothing more than dead weight but at the same time not having enough functionality so your employees aren't able to perform their jobs properly.

Trends in future developments

The future of work is going to be completely different. All businesses will need to change how they work with technology in order to meet the demands of an evolving workforce. For example, while the future may not involve employees sitting in front of a computer all day (rather, managers will instead monitor employee progress remotely), it may include coworking environments where many people collaborate on projects in person for part of the week. The collaboration aspect is one that most companies have already begun implementing today, but it is only going to grow in importance. If companies can implement new tech solutions that make it easier for workers from all over the world to connect and collaborate, this will make life much more convenient for everyone involved. Managers will be able to ensure projects are being completed correctly without needing to constantly check in on every single project. Employees won't need to worry about using any equipment or setting up anything at home because everything will come ready-made from the office.


Management information technology can be complex to understand. Luckily, the Internet is a treasure trove of advice on the topic! Consult it regularly if you find yourself struggling to make sense of any given concept. There's no need to reinvent the wheel when there are so many people out there who've already walked your path ahead of you.